Envirco has done it again, as the leader in Fan Powered HEPA Filter manufacturing and design for over 30 years Envirco has created the next generation of Energy Saving Controllable Fan Filter Units (FFU) by adding a fully automated Digital Control System (DCS).
1. Inherently Fan Powered HEPA filters for years have had limited ability to be controlled, monitored and adjusted (airflow) either manually, automatically or remotely. (One exception to this has been the Envirco Mac 10 I.Q. that has a built in processor that once set would adjust its air flow as the filter loaded.)
Some filters including the Mac 10 Original do offer a Solid State Speed Controller (or Rheostat) as a standard or optional component in their Fan Filter Unit, but Rheostats do have drawbacks:
*Many people are under the impression that slowing down the motor with a rheostat will save you money either by lowering your power consumption and or reducing the heat-load, both are incorrect. Slowing down the motor with a Rheostat actually places an increased load on the motor so you could possibly see a higher amps-load, with little or no reduction in heat-load.
2. Envirco’s new Digital Control System has eliminated all of the drawbacks of a Rheostat while giving you true energy savings.
90-95% of all cleanrooms must stay operating 24/7/365 so they can maintain a positive pressure eliminating the chance for contamination entering the room even when it’s not occupied!
It is well documented that in most cases the single largest source of particle contamination in your Cleanroom is traditionally the personnel in the room.
Think about the money you can save by reducing your energy cost, while still keeping the room operating and under a positive pressure.
This means your Cleanroom is only occupied “23%” of the time. Now let’s say your annual operating cost of your cleanroom in Energy and Cooling is a simple $10,000, and you are able to reduce the operating expense by 20%, by slowing down the motor in your FFU’s only during the off hours (while still maintaining a positive pressure).
* This figure is only an estimated energy saving and does not include even larger savings you’ll see on you’re A/C bill. (It’s not uncommon for cleanrooms to require air conditioning year-round.)